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Support preparing for birth and life with a newborn

I work together with you and your birth partner and explore what you would like support with.

Usually we will have discussions about or include information such as:


  • Hearing any previous experiences of pregnancy, birth, loss or experiences that you feel are important to share and debrief before you prepare for a new birth experience.

  • I will go through what is likely to happen during the different stages of labour and how you and your partner might feel and what would be supportive at the time.

  • Birth physiology and how your body naturally produces hormones that will help the birth process and how to encourage the production of those hormones.

  • Pain management - What are your options both holistically and pharmaceutically? I can provide information on what the hospital and midwives can offer you as well as holistic options that you can put in place for yourself such as - hypnobirthing, breathing tenchniques, TENS Machines, massage and acupressure points.

  • Certain stretches or movements that can help your baby get into a good position for labour and prepare your body for the occasion.

  • If you have other children I can support you prepare them to adjust and be ready for a new sibling and there new role.. 

  • Help you prepare your birth preferences into a plan to share with your midwife and birth partner.

  • Being prepared should things not go to your plan - caesarean, induction, intervention - what are your options?

  • I can help you with a list of what to pack for the hospital or prepare for a home birth.

  • Skin to skin, breastfeeding and the golden hour after labour - I can give you some information and tips to help you when you meet your baby.

  • What about the placenta, birthing it and what you could do with it?

  • Its also important to consider your plan for after your baby is born, I will help you look at how you can make this transition into early motherhood as smooth as possible. What support can you put in place ahead of time?

  • Any questions you may have about pregnancy, birth and once your baby is born or considerations you would like to speak about with your partner whilst having someone neutral in the room with you.


It may be supportive to have a couple of hours booked in.

Sessions are £50 an hour.


4 hours for £190. It could be one session or x2 2 hour I will come to your home and tailor make the session as needed to suit your needs. Optional third and fourth sessions are available too for a further £40 an hour.

©2019 by DoulaD

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