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"Daniella's presence during the birth of my second child was incredibly helpful for me on so many levels. She was very intuitive and gentle, with a calm confidence that in turn helped me to feel calm and supported. She soothed and talked to me, allowing me the space to open up, but was also aware when I needed space to go inwards and naturally stepped back at those moments. She wanted to know what I needed right then and there and was confident to make sure I received it. Her small gestures helped me immensely too, from using her initiative to take pictures to changing my pads/sheets. I'm so glad she was there. It made a huge difference to me to have this extra emotional, physical and spiritual support." Tamsin F

"Daniella helped guide me through pregnancy, birth and beyond, with such warm hearted openness. She is the best doula a woman and her new baby could ever wish for. She also held a really special space for me in a mothers blessing ceremony. I would highly recommend her services. She'll make everything ok." Cara D

" I feel like Daniella was gifted to me at a time that could have been quite scary and lonely; instead she has made me feel calm, anchored and embraced. In turn, I feel like I can gift these feelings to my daughter, I'm so glad. What a wonderful doula!" Anon

"Daniella was really supportive and caring just after the birth of our second daughter. She made delicious and hearty meals for the whole family and introduced me to a great herbal tea for breast feeding. She was wonderful with our other daughter too, helping her to transition into her new role as a sister! We all really appreciated her gentle, holistic approach." Hannah C

"Daniella was an absolute life saver for us and we would recommend her so highly to anyone who was considering having a doula.

Antae-natally she supported us through the ever changing birth plan (we had planned a vaginal birth but then needed a planned early c-section) helping us to understand our options , and helping us to make the c-section a really beautiful positive birth experience. Her support gave us the confidence to really engage proactively with the journey we were on, thinking through options with the various consultants, and not just to accept what we'd been told even in moments when it didn't quite sit right. Ultimately this made all the difference.


Post natally, Daniella came to our house every few days for 3 hour slots for the first 3 weeks of our sons life. She held the baby so we could sleep and also cooked amazing food and answered the many questions we as very new first time parents had. Her warmth and steady presence was a source of great comfort for us. Her support helped us to have a really positive experience in the first 3 weeks of our lives as new parents!

We are SO GRATEFUL! Thanks Daniella! Xxxx" Rowan LW

"Daniella was an amazing birth partner for me and my husband. She helped us prepare before hand and we found the sessions very helpful in our birth prep. My birth progressed fast and Daniella arrived quickly and was a reassuring presence in the room the whole time. Postnatally, Daniella was a huge help allowing some alone time for me and my husband as well as helping in the early stages with some household jobs, allowing me to nap, take a bath, go for a quick walk etc. I would absolutely recommend her to anyone!" Philippa H

"Pregnancy - Daniella is caring, loving, approachable and supportive but at the same time, knowledgeable, skilled and abreast of current issues, popular topics and changes in the field/locality - she always knows the right thing to say or offer to ease my mind and reassure. An example of this is when I was in some discomfort with the pregnancy but still worried about keeping the optimal position for her with certain ways of sitting etc. Incidentally these optimum positions were taught to me by Daniella as well. She said something along the lines of; “try not to worry about that right now, prioritise comfort” I found this incredibly emotionally bolstering, as I felt she was on my side, giving me permission to bend those rules. Herself knowing what is more important and responding to what I needed. I always felt like Daniella was genuinely interested and personally invested in me and my pregnancy- nothing was ever too much trouble and I always felt able to call on her and ask for advice or anything else I needed. She even indulged me on strange whims; a request that really wasn’t necessary for her job description - and that was before I’d even officially hired her! Her voice on the guided meditations is so soothing and relaxing and she paints a beautiful word picture to zone out to. It’s also worth mentioning how flexible and adaptable she is. Offering to care for my older daughter for me so as to allow my husband to attend the birth (adapting to the one birth partner enforced rule because of covid 19) and also, changing her practices so that they can be just as supportive in an online arena. Inviting me to join a mama and doula connected women’s circle. In short, having Daniella there made my pregnancy so much better!

Birth- Daniella was my advocate, cheerleader, masseuse, photographer, PR woman, dresser, motivational speaker, and even babysitter to my firstborn whilst my husband met the new arrival! I couldn’t thank her enough for how there for me she was. How hands-on she was and how grounded she kept me. Especially at moments when it felt like my dream birth was slipping away, she reminded me of my strength and how well I’d done. Which actually kept it a more special experience that I have much more positive memories of than my first experience of birth. I really felt and still do feel such a closeness and connection to Daniella. She has definitely become more than a doula to me, I see her as a friend.

Postnatally- whilst writing this, I am still considering the possibility of more hours of postnatal support with Daniella. But, as part of the package I purchased, a two hour postnatal review was included. This was just so worthwhile and lovely. A real opportunity to reflect with the help of Daniella’s cues. Lots of advice, helpful ideas and sharing how things have been for me which was really therapeutic. Again, Daniella was warm and friendly, caring and lovely. I mentioned before I felt a real closeness with Daniella. But she really inspired me to feel able to open up about personal details and to confide in her with no holds barred. Because of how approachable and trustworthy she is. Investing in a doula was really the best decision I have ever made and I am so lucky that that doula was Daniella." Alice P


"We really didn’t have much notice, with our little boy arriving 5 weeks early. Daniella was available by phone to help keep us calm, a steadfast rudder in the storm of changes in birth plans with fast decision making needed. Her hypnobirthing course was put into almost immediate practice, and I’m so glad we did it. Couldn’t recommend more highly, she was ace." Nick L

"THANK YOU Daniella! The course was amazing, we are due next week and feel so much more prepared - and excited - for the birth now. It really supported me to see the birth differently and to reframe fears I have around it, allowing me to feel empowered and equipped to go through labour. It was also a great opportunity for me and my birth partners to connect around the experience and for us all to know what to expect and how to prepare for, and embrace, our different roles.  I loved that, as well as getting to do the relaxation and hypnosis techniques, we learned all about the different stages of labour, and the different interventions that may be offered (including the implications of each), it was so informative and left me feeling empowered to make decisions should I need to. Your approach is also just brilliant - kind, interested, knowledgeable, and relaxed, while the space felt both informal and held. (And not hippy, which I am always grateful for!) Thank you thank you <3" Georgina P

"We were lucky enough to take part in a hypnobirthing course with Daniella - Daniella’s approach was calm, personable and full of passion regarding all aspects of birth whilst remaining light hearted. Giving us the tools needed to connect as a couple embarking on a new birthing adventure. Breathing our way through labour with the techniques learnt on the course and empowering my partner in his his role" Katie B

"Daniella really helped my partner Lucy and I to get to grips with having a second child. We'd had quite a traumatic first birth experience together and she really calmed us down and gave us skills to approach the second birth with confidence. Thanks, Daniella!" Alex S

"Thank you for todays course!

It was an amazing way to bond as a couple and make a shared toolkit for the upcoming birth. a way to build love & Trust between us.

Very therapeutic and has helped me to feel excited and easy going about whats to come." Chloe D

"What a great investment in my partners pregnancy - for both of us :-)" Daniel M

"I feel a lot more prepared, relaxed and confident about the fast approaching birth of our baby. Deep down I’ve always had a bit of a fear about giving birth, but now, with the tools you've given us, I’m actually really looking forward to it!" Cassy O


"The blessing ceremony that Daniella held for me was a really special way to mark late pregnancy just before the transition into new motherhood. It was so affirming to receive wishes and words of support from a circle of nearest and dearest women as Daniella gently led us through the activities. We sang, laughed and cried together before feasting and making gorgeous essential oil candles and massage oils which everyone took home. I wholeheartedly recommend Daniella’s mother blessing for anyone who doesn’t want a traditional baby shower but wants to mark this unique and special time." Abi C

"I felt so lucky to have Daniella holding my blessing circle. She stepped in to this circle of women she didn’t know and held the space with warmth, openness, strength and peace. She brought calm and unity to what could have been a slightly chaotic gathering. Her explanations of the ceremony were really clear and put everyone at ease, knowing what to expect at each stage. I particularly felt like I could truly relax and enjoy the moment and be blessed by wonderful women, because I felt held by Daniella and by her holding of the circle. What a wonderful warm, shining, loving person to lead and take part in this very special day." Cara D


"Daniella’s closing the bones massage was a beautiful and life-affirming experience, making me feel nurtured and restored. I have two children and with both have had emergency cesareans. Daniella’s closing the bones ritual helped me to feel able to move on from this experience in an empowered and positive way, feeling my body healed through her caring touch and warm disposition. Daniella held the space so beautifully and sensitively especially given the intimate nature of the massage above my scars, that I usually keep hidden. I felt empowered, cherished and moved by the healing touch of another woman. Such a gorgeous self-nurture ritual to mark, celebrate and honour all that my body has created. I would recommend to any mother at any stage after giving birth."Vashti


"Thank you Daniella, what a beautiful space you held for me today, I feel that the past weeks have gone by so fast. Today was so needed, to stop, reflect and embrace all this change that has happened in my body, life and world now ! I think everyone should do it" - Sussie


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